台灣河野流職人手沖壺 600ml ( 組合優惠 | 雞翅木 | 潛水布 | 水閘 | 無手把 | 手近重心易控水 | 溫度計插孔 | 食品級不鏽鋼 | 行貨 | 現貨 | 授權經銷商 )
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Regular price
$399.00 HKD
Sale price
$259.00 HKD
- 首款為日本河野流技法打造之手沖壺,只為傳承"河野咖啡道"之精神
- 人性化無手把設計,將施力點更貼近壺身核心,讓河野流特殊技法更易就手
- 精密壺嘴角度,提供絕佳的水流及速度,點滴法、垂直法輕鬆呈現
- 時尚潛水布料護套可達到絕佳保溫效果,讓河野流技法維持在最佳水溫狀態
- 超厚1.0mm壺身且採用一體成型工法,耐用不易變型且不易氧化
- 新式雷射焊接法讓壺嘴壺身完全融合,無焊點脫落問題
- 採18/8食品級不銹鋼(SUS304)研製,敬請安心使用
- 壺蓋提供溫度計插孔,不需開蓋即可測量水溫
- 貼心雞翅木上蓋讓開蓋時不燙手
- SGS檢驗合格,不含鉛、鎘等有害物質
Product Description:
- The first ever hand drip pot for the Japanese Kono technique, aimed to inherit the spirit of “Kono Coffee”.
- The user-friendly handle-free design moves the point of application closer to the core of the pot body, leaving much leeway for the special Kono technique.
- The precise mouth angle ensures superb flow and speed, easily demonstrating the drip and vertical methods
- The fashionable neoprene fabric crisscross-stitched to bring out lattice patterns,comfortable to touch and hold.The super-excellent insulation effect provides the best water temperature for Kono technique.
- The monolithic 1.0mm-thikc pot body is resistant to deformation and oxidization.
- The new-style laser-welding method integrates the mouth well with the body and rules out all possible solder joint detachments
- Made from 18/8 food-grade stainless steel (SUS304), setting your mind at ease.
- The thermometer makes temperature measurement possible without opening the cap.
- The cap is made of wenge, to insulate thermally when opening.
- SGS-certified, free from such harmful substances as lead and cadmium.
規格 / Specification:
- 品牌 / Brand: 河野流
- 特性 / Function: 手沖壺 / Coffee Kettle
- 原產地 / Origin: 中國 / China
- 尺寸 / Size: 長19.5cm x 寬10cm x 高14.4cm
- 重量 / Weight: 352g
- 物料 / Material: SUS304食品級高級不銹鋼、潛水布護套、雞翅木
- 容量 / Capacity: 600ml
- 包裝 / Packaging: 原裝紙盒 / Original Box